Eco-Ambassadors Ranking

We celebrate and recognize the efforts of individuals who have taken significant steps towards building a sustainable future. We are proud to present the list of eco-ambassadors who have made a positive impact on the environment through their eco-friendly practices and advocacy. These individuals have gone above and beyond to inspire others and make a real difference in reducing plastic pollution. We hope this list will serve as a source of inspiration and motivation for everyone to join the movement towards a greener and cleaner world.

Eco-Ambassadors Ranking

Lawrence Kosgei with 930 eco-points

Dianah Otieno with 210 eco-points

Michael Oloo with 195 eco-points

Mohammed Athman with 175 eco-points

Fredrick Okwach with 170 eco-points

Kevin Omuchesi with 170 eco-points

Lawrence Kosgei with 165 eco-points

Laura Eades with 165 eco-points

ALFRED CHEMJOR with 165 eco-points

SHELDON KIPKIRUI with 165 eco-points